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Adopt a classroom

ADP has 20 individual classrooms.


We invite you to adopt a classroom by installing a mural that shows your   university campus and logo. The image of your university in the classroom leaves an impression and constant reminder among our students



Who is going to see this image?

1.    We usually have 3 or 4 classes per day

2.     Average 20 -25 students per class

3.     5 days per week

4.     48 weeks per year

5.     4 x 20 = 80 x 5 = 400 x 48 = 19,200 student impressions per year!

6.    Note:  All of our students are seeking to transfer to the U.S.  there is no better way to share your brand then in a classroom full of  students interested in U.S. Education. 



Two options for university classroom branding:-

  • USD 5000 for  2 years - image of 1 university campus & logo in our  classroom wall

  • USD 1000 for 2 years -image of 6 universities campus & logo in our classroom wall

Adopt a classroom

3 + 1 Program

Since the weakening of the Malaysian Ringgit against the Greenback, to ease the financial burden of obtaining a foreign degree and still provided the experience of studying abroad, Taylor’s ADP is keen to pursue partnerships with foreign universities in a 3+1 program. ADP has several 300-level courses for Business majors. Therefore by completing 90 credits at Taylor’s ADP, students will complete the remaining credits in their final year in the foreign university.


For course evaluations and promoting this study pathway, please contact Taylor’s ADP University Placement Manager, Ms. Gan Chai Lian at

3 + 1 Program

Skyped Lectures

     This is an alternative to collaborative teaching and learning experience. This will provide an opportunity for students to experience online lectures or short workshops from professors of our partner universities. This is a  successful initiative whereby partner universities have the opportunity to be in our classrooms have direct access  to our students whilst enhance the learning experience of our students. 


     For further information, please contact Ms. Gan Chai Lian, the Manager at

Skyped Lectures

Student Exchange Program (Summer Program)

          Taylor’s University School of Liberal Arts & Sciences has a successful Student Exchange Program with US universities for student exchange and internship opportunities. Parked under the Taylor’s University Mobility program, students are able to spend a semester here, where they are able to transfer up to 9 credits whilst experiencing the vibrancy of a multicultural society. This is beneficial as they grow academically, socially and gain the global perspective through this experience.


More information regarding this program can be obtained by dropping a line to

Click here to find out more !
Student Exchange Program

University Workshops

     Partner universities interested in providing skills workshops and discuss career opportunities to SLAS students will be able to contact Taylor’s ADP University Placement Manager, Ms. Gan Chai Lian at

University Workshops


Course outlines listed below provide more detailed information about the individual courses such as objectives, learning outcomes and course information. All course outlines are available in PDF format.


Kindly download the following:

  • Course Outlines 2023

  • Academic Grading Scale

  • Template for Course Equivalency

Course Outlines
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